Tuesday 14 April 2009

Strawberry Ice-Cream

This weekend I didn't really cook again, we resorted to West Indian. I am lazy as of late and can't quite muster up the energy to cook. It seriously takes a lot out of you, more than you can imagine. How do mothers do this everyday, I mean seriously! But I promise I'll be back soon, next week.

The only thing I attempted this week was Strawberry Ice-cream and damn was I stressed by the end of it. It started like any other, me shopping for my ingredients coming home all eager and raving to go wanting to get on with things and produce my master piece. Sounds like a walk in the park until things started going pear shaped.

I separated my eggs, the yolks were placed in a bowl with the caster sugar and stirred until light in color, the milk was on the burner being heated, and as per the recipe the warm milk was added to the egg yolk mixture, then poured back into the pan... now here's where it got tricky.. I am supposed to stir until thick and the mixture coats the back of a spoon... but ensuring that it does not boil.. and this was fine with me, after all I've done it twice before when I made coconut and then vanilla ice-cream... but not this time I'm stirring and stirring trying to regulate the heat... what happens...... the egg started scrambling.. ARGH!!!

Well obviously I couldn't now use this, I had to pour it down my sink... I know a waste of food but it wasn't intention. I got some more eggs and proceeded to make my custard again... it started well... I proceeded to stir, patiently waiting for it to thicken, but thicken it would not, I stood there for 30 minutes stirring, swearing, getting tired but nothing, then a brain wave perhaps there's too much liquid and not enough yolk, so I added another egg yolk and continued stirring, wonders it startet to work... until it started to scramble again slightly........arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhh not again.. I felt like crying. I had no more eggs in the house after using 10 and the milk was near finish... brainwave, as it's only at the bottom of the pan... how about straining it... this I did... or tried doing, the strainer fell in twice and I had to strain and restrain... presto a result... it finally looked like it should without any lumps of clumps... relief.

I am not a patient person and throughout this process I was absolutely annoyed with my entire family.. my twin came and attempted to hug me and was nearly pushed straight accross the room... Don't touch me... just leave me alone... I don't like giving up and perseverance paid off, my ice-cream tastes great..... my mom can't get enough of it and it was worth the headache.

Beginning to rue the day I came up with the idea to start cooking...what the heck was I thinking.


  1. yummy.. i need to make a trip up one weekend to taste ur ice creams

  2. lol,when you do decide to you might just miss out... I'm thinking Passion Fruit next... yummmy

  3. That looks yummy!!

  4. It actually is Monica... I love Strawberry Ice-cream...I'm glad I can now make it myself.

  5. Yum-yum! Glad your perseverence paid off and it came out great. Homemade strawberry ice cream must taste heavenly...I have never attempted to make ice cream at home but will have to sometime. Glad you enjoyed!
