Wednesday 8 April 2009

I am What I am

This Poem was inspired by one of my best Friend's ALS's blog Theories of Anything, she has dedicated this month to the topic of Identity and is inviting guest Bloggers to post their opinions about their Identity to her... it is a brilliant idea which led me to ponder about myself..Who am I???

My Identity - I am What I am!

When asked who I be

A swirl of answers I identify

I am a Daughter

A sister,

A lover,

An aunt, a grand-daughter.

If anyone inquires about my identity;

A multitude of responses I see

I am an African,

A European,

An Arawak,

A Carib, a Garifuna.

When asked who I am

Only a few responses are truly me

I am a product of man

A quintessential human

A mixture of many nations

I am simply a West Indian

Copyrighted© 2009 By DDS All rights reserved; I am What I am.

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