Friday, 29 May 2009
On to Greener Pastures
It wasn't a huge gathering due to a break down in communication but whatever it was those of us that did turn up had a fantastic time. The food was lovely, we had Indian and I must say that it was unexpectedly good, not because it was Indian but simply because I didn't know that the restaurant even existed even though it's only a 5 minute drive from my house, and because it's in Slough. I know I live here but I haven't got too many high expectations of it. We had a blast and those of you who did not come... you missed out. It was a nice group of like minded fun loving people just bent on having a good time.
Ms Hughes... you'll be missed and thanks for your kind words...
Monday, 25 May 2009
East Indian Influences- My Soca Memories

I was up until 2:00am last night, doing not a lot much, stumbling to my room, I realized that I could hear the sweet sounds of music emanating from above, one of my neighbors was obviously having a party. I listened carefully trying to distinguish the beats and lyrics of the song playing and I realized to my surprise that it was recognizable to me, it was the sweet sounds of SOCA. I felt immediately like gate crashing even though I knew not whose party or where exactly in the building it was coming from. I hadn't listened to SOCA music in quite a while and I was longing for it like an alcoholic to alcohol. My memories took me back to my trip home to Vincy in 2006, when I had an absolutely fabulous time with my best friend JP and his friends and got familiar with the songs of that period.
I was lying in my bed gyrating to the songs from above, finally I was lulled into sleep. Today I had to listen to some Soca in particular a CD of music I had from that year, I played it at full volume and stood on my balcony singing loudly in my out of tune manner and gyrated my hips to the sweet addictive hip moving sounds of Soca... one particular song I couldn't wait to hear was 'Dont Stop' by Shurwayne Winchester. It's Soca with a twist of East Indian influences and makes me dance every time...
Saturday, 23 May 2009
My First Asian Wedding!!
I did not let this faze me, I did ponder whether I was being stared at however I think it would have all been in my head. Due to late notification I was not dressed in Asian garms however I did remember to make sure I was modestly covered, and despite the pictures below I did wear a shawl to cover my cleavage... Funny but the the first and last time I wore this dress I was at another friends wedding, and I also happened to be the only black person in the crowd as it was a Greek wedding.

All in all, it was an interesting but enjoyable couple of hours.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Return to Glory!!

Uhmmm it was a welcome back that my stomach was welcoming, I was supposed to have cooked last weekend, but having not had the chance to go shopping prior to the day, last Sunday's meal was a bit of a mish mash and I absolutely hated every piece of it. I couldn't quite see past the blandness of what I had created and my palate was craving for something more flavorful and deliciously unexpected.
Thankfully that weekend taught me that there's no going back, there is need for experimenting even when that experiment produces something unpalatable. If you like sweet peppers, soy sauce, and a sweet tasting meat then this is a recipe for you which requires only a few ingredients and is so easily made that even the most inexperienced cook should have no problems making it, this was served up with rice and vegetables.
For desert this week, I made another cake, my mother suggested making Carrot cake once more, however I quickly shut that idea down and advised her that the point was to try new things, not to repeat. I made an Orange Sponge cake, which tastes great, I totally enjoyed it and had it with a side helping of vanilla ice-cream.
On a different note today is my brother's birthday and he is now 31, the oldest of 3 children my mom has. It's weird, but although he's older, sometimes I feel closer to him than I do to my twin, the 3 of us have always had an extremely close bond. Whenever I want straight up opinion and advice I turn to him as even though I may not want to hear, he delivers it in a manner which allows me to see reason and accept. Happy Birthday B.O.Wood!!
Saturday, 9 May 2009
I love it
I mean how is it that he can do this??? The last thing I expected was this.
The Price of Wisdom.. Say Ahhhh

Is this really the price I have to pay, if so I can well do without the stress or pain of it all. My wisdom teeth have been trying to grow for what seems now like forever, it's been so long that I can't quite recall when it first started or even fathom having them still growing at the ripe old age of 27. I've always wondered why others moan so much about their wisdom tooth and claim that it caused them so much pain because until this week that pain was a strange phenomenon to me, as each time any of mines decided to grow a bit more it was but a mild irritation which only lasted for a day or two.
On Tuesday of this week my nightmare as I now see it began, I experienced pain I have not had since a child and going through the rare pains of a toothache, you know the feeling; the kind of pain where you're not sure if it's the one tooth that's slightly shaking or if it's all. The kind of pain where your head hurts and you can't think clearly let alone muster up a smile or operate cohesively.
Sad to say I am going through that right this moment. When it started I thought okay a bit worse than previous occasions but it should calm down, was I wrong, I soon ended up swallowing as much as 5 pain killers that day, just so that I can get through my working day and sleep for a few hours. The following day I was a bit braver and sucked it up a bit more, and today bliss, a sort of weird numbness. But, it was short lived, my entire top left jaw feels inflamed and I am very deliriously considering finding a pliers and plucking all my teeth out. I have never felt such excruciating pain in forever, not even the worst menstrual cycle can compare at present.
To everyone who I have laughed at in the past or secretly disbelieved in regards to your pain suffered from your wisdom tooth/teeth I humbly and sincerely apologize.
I have slept all but 2 hours so far tonight and have probably given myself an overdose of pain meds which are now seemingly ineffective. My next step... book a damn dental appointment as soon as daylight appears and the office opens and get the infernal thing out my head somehow, because I cannot foresee undergoing a similar pain a few more months down the line.
No Sirreee....
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Am I Over-Reacting?

As some of you may or may not have read in a previous blog entry; I am not exactly close to one of my sisters. In my attempt to slowly reconnect with her I decided to share a few of my poems with her. Not because I wanted her opinion or critique but just for the sake of sharing, as even though I've been writing since 05/06 I have never shared them with anyone within my family.
I know you're wondering what my point is but patience, I'm getting there, So I sent her 2/3 poems and she decides to share them with her co-workers.. fair enough, she replies and said she liked them.. fair enough.
Today I'm sitting at my desk at work, and in pops 2 Emails from my sister, the first was the Poem I wrote titled I am What I am, written for the My Identity Series by my friend and fellow blogger Lioness. A colleague who she had decided to forward my poem to decided to TWEAK it or so she says, now tell me; Did I ask for a critique, then again it was not a critique it was an amendment to my work................. I was mad, but I thought better of conveying this to my sister since she's so touchy to begin with.... my response, 'thanks but I prefer it the way it is and you can convey that to her'. It totally made it sound so me anyways... If I wanted to convey how my family members may perceive me I would have n'est pas?. I am not a Proud African...I am a Proud West Indian ...hence the ending phrase... I am not English European as my father's foreparents were Potuguese, as far as I am aware, there is proably English, Dutch and French somewhere in the make-up for all I know based on the Caribbean's history hence the collective term.
This is What she DID..her amendments as you like are written in blue next to my original words....grrrrrrrrrrr.... Am I over-reacting to be feeling upset about this?
When asked who I be
A swirl of answers I identify (A swirl of adjectives identity me)
I am a loving Daughter
A loyal sister,
A lover,
An listening auntie and a loving grand-daughter.
If anyone inquires about my identity;
A multitude of responses I see
I am a Proud African,
A n English European,
A Caribbean Arawak,
A Carib, a Garifuna.
All of these are me.
When asked who I say that I am
Only a few responses are truly me (Only a few responses you'll get from me)
I am a product of man
A quintessential human
A mixture of many nations
I am simply a West Indian
A wonderous product of our one God's hand.
Copyrighted© 2009 By DDS 06/04/09
The other poem I sent my sister is called Le Fruit Inderdit (The Forbidden Fruit). It is about the 5 senses and I deliberately wrote it so that It can be opened to interpretation, whatever someone wants to take from it is up to them
Le Fruit Interdit
I see you
Rosily fresh
Glistening wickedly
Tickling nostrils
Musky and manly
Your heady cocktail
Ears perked
Heavenly baritones
Thrums and unwinds
Stirred up
Hard and sublime
Soft when required
To sip
Your sweet nectar
I desist
Afraid but
Copyrighted© 2008 By DDS
Her response: It's good...Samuel is obviuosly young....I twitched my nostrils at the second verse. The thought of sniffing a manky man at my ages is just not appealing!!
Did I ask her to sniff anything... and can you tell from reading this that the author is young is it because I can perceive sniffing a man... or so she believes.........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr And Who says it's about a man......... and who's man is she calling manky???
Monday, 4 May 2009
I Remember You So Well... Charles William Nathaniel Jack.

15 Years ago on the 1st May 1994 you were taken away from me.
God had decided that it was time for you to come home. I still remember you so vividly and those memories of you I hold dear to my heart. You were the epitome of a Grandparent, a father to me while my dad your eldest son was away. I loved you so much that losing you was surreal at the time and even now it still seems like it was only yesterday.
I recall the days when you were stern, laying down the law in your gruff voice, but always open to my wheedling, granting me almost everything I asked for. My first attempt at cooking a meal was for you and even though it was not perfect you were thankful and grateful of my attempt. I remember the days of trekking your gun from one house to the other, held aloft for fear of accidentally shooting myself (even though you'd never send me for it if it wasn't safe for me to hold). The Extra Strong mints you always carried and bought extra of, just for us; your grandchildren, even now, my cousin religiously buys these.
For nearly a week as you lay in hospital where I was unable to see you at will and finally after my days of counting down until Sunday after church when I can finally come and visit you myself and see how you were, the sad news, delivered in the House of God; you had passed away, never for me to see you alive again, never for me to hug, never to hear you scold me so lovingly. Even now I can see myself as I was that day, bewildered, unwilling to believe what I had heard, and years after listening to the song; 'It is well withmy Soul' still brings me to tears every time, as only you I can think of.
RIP Grand father: Charles William N. Jack.... you are gone but definitely not forgotten...
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Allez, Allez, Allez!

Come to me...
Come to me...
Come to me...
Sweep me off my feet.
Come to me...
Come to me...
Come to me...
Come to me my sweet
Copyrighted ©2006 By DDS All Rigts Reserved; Allez, Allez, Allez!!