Once again I didn't cook and I'm on a go slow as West Indians would term it. But, and I must stress this was not because I chose to be on a go slow, this was purely due to my mother insisting that she cook this weekend due to her having a house guest. So of course I was happy to take the break and not worry myself about what I should/shouldn't cook,
My mom's friend who is here for a week from the USA tasted my strawberry ice cream and proclaimed it to be very nice, this was prior to knowing that I had made it, a call for a second bowl was made and presto the last vestige of my ice-cream had finished. I wanted that to eat :(
To top it all off a request was made for more I-ce-cream and I succumbed, I made a fairly large amount and was even able to put some in a seperate bowl for my older brother and his wife. I fell prey to making more ice-cream partly because I wanted some myself and because from accross the oceans I was brought a huge stash of Butterfinger Chocolates. I love Butterfingers and it is one of the few things from my childhood that I still enjoy heartily. Wheneve anyone I know visits the USA, I always request only 1 thing from them; A Butterfinger chocolate bar. My mom's friend, brought me a box of 18 kingsize bars and 3 bags of minis, of course I had to share with my brothers, but I've still probably got enough to last until I go home to SVG, as my good friend Sabs also have a bag of minis fo me which I've yet to collect.
I've had a very long and trying week, and was quite depressed midway through. I've reached a stage where I'm sometimes very unhappy with my acheivements or even my plans for my future as I have so many plans but can't seem to move forwards with them. I had my twin lecturing me, my mother calling me in the middle of work to find out if I was ok, and my best friend JP asking me what's wrong and to all my response was: Nothing. Somehow I dragged myself out of the pit of darkness and was able to refocus, being thankful for what I did have and releasing my stresses through reading.
I'm sitting at home now, relaxing, reading a book called Gardens of Water by Alan Drew, which I'm enjoying immensely. I love when I'm able to read a book which allows me to discover/ understand even a small snippet of another culture. It's based in 1999 Turkey, and explores the hardship and struggles faced by a Turkish family having to overcome the disasters of an earthquake, a daughter that strives for independence, a fascination with an American boy and the love of her parents, and a father who has to contend with putting asside his pride for the greater good of his family, understanding his daughter, loving his son and satisfying his wife whilst providing for and making the right decisions for his family.
I'm so hooked on it that despite only starting it this afternoon I'm already midway through.... I can't wait to figue out how it ends. So saying I may need to make another trip to the library this week. Even though I love reading I dislike clutter and unless it's a book that absolutely moved me such as A House for Mr Biswas, The Godfather, or To Kill a Mockingbird, I see no other reasons to purchase books and keep them
I know a lot of you probably disagree with me here but...
Funny,I bet she was trying to be polite by asking for more ice cream, when really you wanted her to leave it alone! :)