I have overcome the laziness that has overshadowed me for the last couple of weeks. On Wednesday of this week I decided that I was going to cook chicken as I hadn't ate chicken on the last few Sundays due to not being home and of course over the Easter period meat is frowned upon, particularly on Good Friday.
Shopping was done on Friday evening, and I was only able to purchase the chicken as I was still unsure what the meal would be.. my mom settled it for me. Having had a quick scan through a book of chicken recipes she requested either Fruity Chicken Curry or Chicken Tikka Masala. I settled on the Chicken Tikka Masala...

Desert was an easier decision, I was getting slightly bored with chilled deserts and of cream, I wanted cake.... looking at the varying recipes left me salivating, should I make a traditional West Indian cake with lots of fruit, Black Wine and Rum.... or venture out and make one that I've never attempted....I chose to venture out and decided on a Carrot Cake... I love carrot cake but couldn't quite fathom making one: as my brother quite eloquently phrased it 'he can't just eat anyone's carrot cake as not everyone can make it the way it's meant to be made' and honestly even though I wanted to make it I felt the same... what if it doesn't taste like the ones I've had before... (Eeek).

I got up reasonably early for a Sunday, showered then dashed to the Supermarket to pick up some more ingredients for my cake and chicken, honey, hazelnuts, walnuts, bicarbonate of Soda, baking powder, garam masala and fresh corriander.... On another note I must add that the costs of ingredients seems to be depleting as I have to buy less each time on account of previous meals. Yay!!!
Returning home I ate some breakfast (if it can be called that at 12.30), then promptly immersed myself in the kitchen from that point thereafter until 17:30...can you believe it...5 hours standing on my feet slaving away in the kitchen.. the cake looked hideous when mixed...but looks and tastes very much like carrot cake should, moist, not too sweet and nutty. Like the cake the Tikka Masala also looked a bit iffy until finished... I guess it will take a bit of getting used to this cooking with yogurt and cream, it was tasty, very much similar in taste to the coconut and chilli pork but without the coconut... I really do believe that my favorite fresh herb is Corriander... I love the tatse and smell of it.
All in all dinner was good and it's good to be back and cooking... I am enjoying Indian/ Asian cuisine I believe, perhaps because like West Indian cuisine lots of spices and herbs are used in the preparation of meals.
Recipes to follow...
i've had the best carrot cake two weeks ago.. bought it at Selfridges... never liked carrot cake until then. Post piece of urs let me compare.. :)
ReplyDeletelol....well if I thought it would withstand the Royal Mail system then I would.