As boring as this subject may seem to some... my topic of discussion for today surrounds sports more specifically cricket.
I am a very passionate fan of West Indies cricket. Fortunately for me, I grew up in the Caribbean at a time when cricket was followed by all old and young; men, women and children. Having moved to the UK as a teenager my love for the sport (A spectator's love) has not waned... I absolutely enjoy watching my team play and sad to say over the last few years we have lost more than we have won... but like a lamb to the slaughter my faith did not disappear.
Every time they played I found myself watching, hoping and praying and sometimes peeking through my fingers for fear of the outcome. We have today won a Test Series against England and I feel absolutely elated to the point of sharing my joy with you my fellow bloggers... dual nationality I may be but my heart and allegiance remains with the West Indies...
Hooray for us. :)
Interesting. I am open to foreign ideas and West Indies Cricket sounds like it would be fun!!