Monday, 9 March 2009

Le Printemps a fleuri!!

A tribute in English and French to my favorite season of the year. I know it's not quite here but it's slowly coming and I am excited.

Spring has sprung!

Flowers blooming incessantly

While the Sun shines so fiercely

All looking so fresh and new

Still covered in the glistening dew

Everyday a new wonder

To stare at and brood over

The magnificence of creation

Gifts to value and show appreciation

Dazzling colors of clothing

No more of the dull, dark and boring

Birds returning to nest

Squirrels scampering seemingly having a fest

Nature in its beauty and splendor

The blossoming of new leaves and lovers

The time to put away the old

To reach for and take hold

Copyrighted ©2006 By DD; Spring has Sprung

Le Printemps a fleuri !!

Les Fleurs fleurissant incessamment

Tandis que le soleil brille tellement violemment

Tout regardant si frais et nouveau

Couvert toujours dans la rosée de scintillement

Quotidien une nouvelle sensation d’émerveillement

Pour regarder fixement avec d’un air surpris

La magnificence de création

Le don de la vie pour évaluer et montrer l'appréciation

Les vêtements avec des couleurs éblouissantes

Pas plus le mat, foncé et du sondage

Oiseaux retournant au nid

Écureuils trottinement apparemment ayant une fête

La Nature dans sa beauté et splendeur

La floraison de nouveaux feuilles et amoureux

L'heure de mettre de côte vieux

Pour étendre et harceler.

Copyrighted©2006 By DDS, Le Printemps a fleuri.


  1. That's cool, do you also speak French? I have taken some classes in college, and wanted to live there for some time...

  2. I've studied french since the age of 12-24 and have always enjoyed it, I wouldn't claim to be fluent as I barely get the chance to use it.
