1. To each letter of an alphabet, write a word connected to you
I was tagged by Meme
Accessories, I love accessories particularly those made from natural materials.
Bookworm, I love reading and cannot imagine my life without books to take me away from reality.
Cooking my new hobby and passion.
Dancing something I've always wanted to learn more of... ballroom, Latin etc.
Enthusiasm is something I attack my life and many things with....
Family and friends, my immediate family and close friends mean the world to me and keep me grounded.
Gladiolas, these flowers signifies the emergence of Spring for me, my favorite season.
Hairouna- My homeland SVG's Carib name (It means Land of the Blessed)
Iceberg, my nickname at work as I'm always complaining that cold... Brrrrrrrrrrr
Jest; you gotta be a joker to take a joke.
Kids I enjoy hanging out with kids... but love giving them back to their parents.
Literati; A Yahoo word game similar to scrabble which I'm hooked on.
Music is life; where would I be without music to keep me sustained.
Neat freak, I don't do well with clutter or mess.
Objectives; my life is governed by objectives, it helps me to reach certain self set goalposts
Poetry; a late bloomer, but my one true means of venting.
Quintessential this word rolls off my tongue so nicely, it also nicely describes my best friend, he's a quintessential gentleman I always tell him.
Romance, I believe in romance and being romantic whenever possible
Soca music, the music of carnival I love me some good soca.
Twins: I love that I'm a twin, even though he's annoying, I love my twin to bits.
Urges, I have so many random urges that gets me into trouble sometimes... :)
Vague; I absolutely hate when people are being vague, say what you've gotta say or say nothing.
Winning; I am the world's most sour loser.
X-mas... I know I'm cheating slightly... I go crazy over decorations and color coordinate my tree and wrapping paper.
Young Island; a small island off St Vincent; I would love to get married here, someday.
Zest; it's important to retain a zest for life or you will go crazy.
I have decided to Tag: ALS, pinpong, Jacqueline, madeinthe80s and since I'm new here I'll be leaving it at 4.
Have fun..