Me, I absolutely cannot stand my job at the moment, I need a challenge and something to inspire me each day other than the pay-check I get at the end of each month. Don't get me wrong there are days when it gets interesting and I'm reminded of why I am there for as long as I have.
This however does not take away from the fact that it was meant to be a job to stop a gap after completing my University course, a means of gaining some experience in the job market whilst looking around for something better, bigger, more creative and actually utilize my studies. Instead I find myself 3 years on still there going through the motions. I have become admittedly very complacent and have let my strong sense of moral, dedication and my unwillingness to disappoint others cloud my judgment and stem my own ambitions.
It has gotten to the point where as soon as I enter the office doors I get grumpy, I've grown mildly anti-social as of late also no longer do I approach others with any salutations, instead apart from the polite hello, hi, good morning for the sake of courtesy I chose to ignore everyone around me, and just get on with the role counting down the seconds, minutes and hours until I can leave to go home or have a weekend away.
Given the current financial climate I suppose I should be grateful I still have a job and also that my job happens to be with one of the few mildly secure organizations (the Government) as opposed to being within the private sector where a lot of uncertainty around the topic of job security exists.
However the time has come for me to rise above this and move onwards... to realize my ambitions and to strive once more towards their attainment.
The time has come once more for me to.... Rise and I shall Rise....
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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