Now the final part of Dawn's saga as I know it and my reasons for writing about it.
He calls and Dawn goes running, eager to try and resolve their differences and so at 2am she leaves her mother's home once more to move back in with him. They have apparently been able to get over the fact that he had literally kicked her out. She moves back in and here it comes... his next demand it's your JOB or Me!!! You need to quit...because apparently he will be getting a job soon, even though after more than a year he hasn't seemed bothered to ... WTF....
I pondered writing about this until the last straw, it was too unbelievable not to write about, too strange for me to imagine a woman in this modern times putting up with all of this bull. So I chose to share.. to hopefully enlighten others out there who may be faced with a similar situation but never took stock to analyze it.. who may be holding on to something that doesn't exist or at the very least a love that is unrequited.
My conclusion, the only plausible argument I can give to myself to excuse Dawn's actions, it's her first boyfriend... and the first cut really is the deepest. I'm not sure how many of you remember your first.. but it always seems to be the one you can't quite let go of too easily...for me it was anyways it was harder to pick up and move forward, harder to accept that your ideals on life aren't as black and white as they appear. That's when the realization sinks in that those romance books you've read are called fiction for a reason. Life is built on experiences and sometimes we've got to open our eyes and realize that we have had an experience and to let it go, to end it and to learn from it...
I have always been pragmatic in my approach to many things in life, making decisions for me and not because others think I should. I only hope and pray that Dawn will wake up and realize that there is greater and better in life... that because one relationship fails all wouldn't... to wake up and realize that being alone is just as great as being in a relationship and finally to learn to love herself and to know herself.
It's really a sobering story and as unbelievable as it sounds it is someones truth, someone's life. Having discussed this story in depth with my mother bless her soul, she rejoices because according to her even though she wasn't a strong person in her youth she is safe in the knowledge that at least her daughter has some sort of inner strength and character.